Every Nation City Church
Es una comunidad diversa de personas que han sido profundamente impactadas por el amor de Dios y el evangelio de Jesucristo.
No importa quién seas, encontrarás que te aceptamos tal y como eres, a la vez que te animamos a convertirte en la persona que Dios creó para ti.
Únete a nosotros este domingo a las 10:00 am. ¡Nos encantaría conocerte!
We invest deeply and enjoy sharing our lives with others.
Because we belong together, we genuinely love well.
We will help anyone follow Jesus because this is harder than it looks.
We wholeheartedly pursue Jesus together; step by step becoming more like Him.
We risk it all to declare the gospel and reach every Angeleno.
This is the least we can do since Jesus gave his all to save and restore our souls.
We relentlessly develop disciples to serve anywhere they have influence
Jesus trained twelve leaders who changed the world. When godly leaders are empowered, our world gets better.
We surrender 100% of our life to Christ. Because 99.99% is not enough.
He knows what’s good and best; so we entrust our entire lives to God’s control.
We cannot help everyone, but we joyfully give and help as many as we can.
We generously and regularly give outward towards our underserved communities.
We believe BIG! We unapologetically depend on the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
We advance God’s kingdom each day by the power of the Holy Spirit because He alone can make a difference in our lives.
Porque todo el mundo debería oír el Evangelio, nos comprometemos con la cultura y la comunidad compartiendo nuestra fe.
Porque queremos hacer crecer discípulos fuertes, establecemos fundamentos bíblicos.
Porque el ministerio no es sólo para ministros a tiempo completo, equipamos a los creyentes para ministrar.
Dado que todos estamos llamados a hacer discípulos, capacitamos a los discípulos para que hagan discípulos.
To lead a diverse people to know God intimately, love others deeply and follow Christ fully.
Every Nation City Church pertenece a un movimiento mundial de plantación de iglesias que existe para honrar a Dios mediante el establecimiento de iglesias centradas en Cristo, empoderadas por el Espíritu, socialmente responsables y Campus Ministries en cada nación.